02 Implementation of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian spiritual and Moral Values

An important event in the life of the country was the approval on November 9, 2022 by the President of Russia of a strategic document “Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”, which also encompasses the proposals of the civil society, consolidated by its institutions. This work in 2023 was followed by the Executive Order “On Amendments to the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy” (aimed at supporting, preserving and developing all branches of culture, the formation of personality based on the value system inherent in Russian society) and the approval on May 17 by the President of Russia of the “Strategies for Comprehensive Safety of Children in the Russian Federation until 2030”,67 which classifies shift in ideas of traditional family values as the main threats to the safety of children in Russia.